Verbos modales ingleses
Modal Verbs (Ability) – can, could, be able to
I can ski / puedo esquiar
Una de las funciones del verbo modal can es para expresar habilidad.
Podemos utilizar el can si decidimos ahora que vamos hacer en el futuro.
Ej) I can have lunch with you tomorrow. / Puedo comer contigo mañana.
I can’t see you this weekend. / No puedo verte esta fin de semana.
Nota: Después del can ponemos el infinitivo sin to ... can play tennis |
La forma negativa completa se escribe como una sola palabra; cannot. Podemos utilizar el could para decir podría (would be able to) |
· Elije can o can’t si es posible. Si no, elige could o will be able to.
1. I’m sorry, I take you to the airport in the morning because I’ve got a business meeting at 9 o’clock.
2. I think I pass my driving test before my 50th birthday.
3. One day in the future I think we live on the moon.
4. If we left now, we before the shops close.
5. I’m not working this weekend so we go cycling on Sunday.
6. I meet you for coffee at 11, but I’ll only have fifteen minutes.
7. I’ll do the washing and the ironing, but I do the shopping.
8. If we worked together, we finish it before the film starts.
9. She was bad after the accident, but I think she go back to work next week.
10. It’s not possible yet, but I think computers do the housework for us in a few years.
11. I go for a run this evening. My parents are coming to visit and I won’t have time.
12. I do your job. It’s so complicated and stressful.
Help: to pass = aprobar |
No utilizamos el could cuando hemos conseguido hacer algo por algo una sola vez. En estas ocasiones decimos managed to o succeeded in.
Ej.) It wasn’t easy, but I | |
managed to succeeded in buying | |
No fue fácil, pero conseguí comprar una entrada para el concierto de Eminem. |
· Elige could, couldn’t o managed to
1. I play the piano when I was four.
2. They to get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it took them six days.
3. Eventually Luis convince me that there’s no future in teaching English.
4. Mark wanted to see the final of the European Cup, but he get tickets.
5. Henry was so advanced for his age that he burn music CD’s when he was 8 months old.
6. Val and John were amazed that they to drive over the Pyrenees in such an old car.
7. I spoke to her for more than an hour, bought her a drink, and finally get her phone number.
8. Carlos speak English when he was six years old. His parents are from Liverpool.
9. Cathy grew up near the beach in South Africa. She swim, sail and dive when she was very young.
10. Danny lost his job at the clock factory because he get up on time in the mornings.
Help: sail = paseo en barco |
Modal Verbs – can, should, must
Relaciona las frases con sus significados:
1. I think you should marry him. He’s very sexy!
2. You can marry him if you really love him.
3. You shouldn’t marry him because you don’t love him.
4. You can’t marry him, he’s already married!
5. You must marry him, you’re pregnant!*
6. You mustn’t marry him. If you do it’ll be the biggest mistake of your life!
*pregnant = embarazada
Ahora escribe must/mustn’t/should/shouldn’t/can o can’t en el espacio adecuado.
1. Se utiliza para decir que algo es posible.
2. Se utiliza para decir que algo no es posible.
3. Se utiliza para aconsejar a alguien hacer algo.
4. Se utiliza para aconsejar a alguien no hacer algo.
5. Se utiliza para ordenar a alguien hacer algo.
6. Se utiliza para ordenar a alguien hacer algo.